Here you will find the most common questions and answers for you to learn more about the CLASS Certification process provided by the League. If you have a question that is not listed, visit our Contact Us page and submit it to us. We’ll get back to you right away.

Technical Issues

What device can I use to complete this online course?

You can use any device, keeping in mind that some will work better than others depending upon your operating system and browser.  While this software will work on some mobile devices, we have found it to be more effective on computers or laptops.

Computer or LaptopWindows 8 and upChrome 22
  Firefox 26
  Microsoft Edge (latest)
  Internet Explorer 10
  Opera 33
  Safari 5.1
 Mac Snow Leopard and up (Mac OS X 10.6)Chrome 22
  Firefox 26
  Microsoft Edge (latest)
  Internet Explorer 10
  Safari 5.1
MobileAndroid 4.4 KitKatChrome
 iOS 10Chrome

Is the CLASS certification available through my mobile device?

No. At this point, we recommend using a laptop or computer only. All testing, so far, indicates that the software is not compatible with many mobile devices.

The course froze. What do I do now?

In order to get past this issue, you will need to clear the browsing history on your computer. Do you know how to do that? If not, here is an article that explains how to do it in the major browsers (Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer):


How many coaches on one team can be CLASS certified?

As many you want!

Are there CLASS certified coaches already at my local shooting range?

CLASS certification is League specific. So, therefore, it’s not up to the range to staff CLASS certified coaches. Check with your team’s Head Coach to learn more about CLASS certified coaches in your area.

Do I have to be a teacher at the school to be able to register for the CLASS certification?

No, any volunteer coach is encouraged to take the course.

I completed the CLASS certification last year. Do I have to take the course again this year?

No. It is only necessary to complete the course once. You will have lifetime access to the lessons though. To review them, simply log into your CLASS account, click START COURSE and scroll down to the lesson you wish to view.

Will my personal information be shared with anyone outside of the league?

No, your designation as a CLASS certified coach is kept confidential along with any other personal information.

As a CLASS certified RSO am I able to act as the RSO for any shooting event at a shooting range?

No, CLASS RSO certification is only valid in League events.I completed the CLASS certification as a high school clay target coach.

Will I need to re-take the course to be certified for a college team?

Your CLASS Certification obtained for the high school level will carry forward for any coach working in the college ranks.


As a CLASS certified coach am I covered under the League’s General Liability Insurance Policy?

All registered coaches and volunteers are insured under a General Liability Insurance Policy if a covered injury occurs because of participating in a League event. The names of all registered athletes, coaches and volunteers must be entered in the team’s Team Profile in TMS to be covered by League insurance.

As a CLASS certified coach am I covered under the shooting range’s insurance policy?

Your shooting range may have an insurance policy that may cover athletes from the League while shooting during scheduled League events. Ask your participating shooting range for their insurance policy details.